The Movement Control Order (MCO) is reaching the end of its first phase this week and we’re seeing good progress by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and also all authorities involved under the organised execution of the National Security Council (MKN).
MCO compliance has been on a record high, let’s keep it that way. From the Editor’s desk, we bring you round three of MCO / COVID-19 updates, in bite-sized forms.
Phase 2 of the MCO starting 1 April will see tighter rules applied. All businesses, shops and supermarkets selling essential items will only be allowed to operate from 8 am to 8 pm while more business premises expected to follow suit.
1) EMCO Red Alert
Simpang Renggam became the first area or district to be put under total lockdown with a new, Enhanced MCO taking place specifically in Kampung Dato’ Ibrahim Majid and Bandar Baharu Dato’ Ibrahim Majid. The presence of armed forces and health personnel are being intensified with residents having to face stricter lockdown rules – all business activities ordered to cease and no one is allowed out of the house not even for food supply.
The Welfare Ministry is on ground to provide basic necessities for Simpang Renggam residents to carry on. This is due to a significant spike in positive cases in the area with the authority now doing a house to house check for maximum detection. To ensure compliance, Defense Minister, Tan Sri Ismail Sabri said police along with the Armed Forces, Civil Defence Force and Rela will be tasked to take charge of the situation.
2) Hulu Langat Total Lockdown
Hulu Langat (Mile 21 to 24) became the second area to be put under the EMCO following 71 positive cases in the district. This order will take effect from March 30 until April 13 with the objective of the order to contain and detect. Affected residents can call 03-89254809 or 03-89114200 for more details.
3) National Sanitisation
The National Security Council (MKN) has deployed its enforcement bodies Bomba, MOH, city councils and private entities to run a nationwide sanitisation exercise to break the spread of COVID 19. All common areas, public parks, roads and similar public places are covered by this exercise since Sunday. Affected areas so far – Kuala Muda, Ipoh, Langkawi, Kuala Terengganu will follow suit.
4) List of Red Zones
15 districts so far have been classified as Red Zones (41 cases above) with Petaling recording the highest with 223 cases. The areas are:
1. Petaling 223
2. Lembah Pantai 219
3. Hulu Langat 209
4. Seremban 108
5. Johor Bahru
6. Kluang 97
7. Kuching 78
8. Kota Bharu 76
9. Kepong 68
10. Kinta 75
11. Gombak 59
12. Klang 62
13. Titiwangsa 57
14. Tawau 57
15. Hilir Perak 52
5) Global Count
The number of Coronavirus cases worldwide has surpassed the 704,000 mark.
Based on data compiled by US-based Johns Hopkins University, Anadolu Agency reported that COVID-19 has spread to 177 countries globally with close to 34,000 deaths so far. In comparison, nearly 150,000 people have recovered.
The United States tops the list of the highest number of confirmed cases – 132,637 with Italy recorded most deaths – 10,779.
6) Malaysia Becomes Test Site For Cure
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has selected Malaysia for research and data collection on the probability of a COVID-19 drug. Explaining to press on Friday, Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said Malaysia was one of the few countries to be shortlisted for this global project. It will be a joint research between MOH and WHO and conducted in the Sungai Buloh Hospital. The hospital has been the official COVID hospital since day one of the national outbreak. He said Malaysia was chosen due to our capabilities and knowledge on conducting clinical researches by highly-trained medical researchers.
7) Sabah is Clear, So Far
From the recent 320 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, Sabah has not reported any new cases, a sign that the situation might be under control. Sabah Health Department director, Datuk Dr Christina Rundi said however, it was too early to say the state is out of the woods as more testings are being conducted still. She said as of Sunday, 116,246 people have been checked and 6,295 samples have been taken. The number of cases remained at 197 in Sabah since Saturday.
8) MOSTI to the Rescue
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation along with the Ministry of Higher Education has allocated 10 mobile diagnostic labs to help MOH conduct virus tests on-site at all universities nationwide. With thousands of students stuck in their campus, it’s only fitting to have these mobile labs made available than to have them come over to conduct the test on their own. These mobile labs are able to conduct 1,414 test a day.
9) US Lifts Ban on Malaysian Glove Maker
From a recent tweet by the U.S Embassy, the United States have made it clear that 65% of medical gloves used by their front-liners (and their counterparts worldwide) are made in Malaysia. The world according to the tweet, relies on Malaysia in the figith against COVID-19. In other news, the United States have lifted the ban on its Malaysian glove import due to the spike in demand. America previously accused WRP Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd of human rights violations in its Sepang factory.
10) Sadly, Child Abuse is on the Rise
The Talian Kasih helpline, set up to provide support for women and children has recorded a worrying rise in its calls for help since the implementation of the MCO. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development’s Corporate Communication Division said it received 1,893 calls for children and victims of domestic abuse, a 57% increase.
To help Talian Kasih, the Malaysian Board of Counsellors (LKM) it’s reaching out to more registered counsellor volunteers to help operate the helpline. To date, LKM president Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar said LKM has provided 500 registered counsellor volunteers for the helpline.
11) Mont Kiara Folks Behind Bars
PDRM has arrested 11 people in Mont Kiara caught in violation of the MCO. They were apprehended jogging along Jalan Mont Kiara and Jalan Desa Kiara, Kuala Lumpur. Following public tip-off (more like public outcry), KL Police Chief, Datuk Seri Mazlan Lazim said his enforcers scouted the area as early as 7.30 am for compliance monitoring.
Help Out
So far there are a number of NGO and official bodies headlining to help Malaysians struck by the MCO and COVID-19. Timing is crucial, lend a hand to help these organisations and be a good Malaysian HERE.