Confession time: I always forget about Mother’s Day.
It’s not like I do it on purpose – I just get so caught up in my own work schedules and private plans that it ends up slipping my mind.
Last year, I only realised the date when I walked into the living room and saw my littlest sister painting a Mother’s Day card for my mum. After a brief moment of panic, I ended up getting a slice of cake from a place that she really liked as a “surprise gift”.
I’m pretty sure that my mother knew that I’d forgotten, but fortunately she was happy to accept my bribe. I breathed a sigh of relief, then made plans so that next year’s Mother’s Day would be better. I looked up a bunch of spas in KL, checking their prices and reviews to figure out which one was best.

In the end, I decided on a place called Hammam Spa, over in Publika. I was pretty sure that my mum has never experienced a Moroccan style spa before, so while it was a bit pricey I had a feeling that she’d enjoy it (and even if she didn’t, at least it’d be memorable).
It was going to be perfect! It was going to be great! It was going to make me look so much better compared to last year.
Then, Well, 2020 Happened

For most of us, this is going to be the most unusual Mother’s Day ever. Even with the MCO partially lifted, I’m sure that many of us are feeling wary of going out unless it’s necessary. After all, better safe than sorry, right?
Until this COVID-19 pandemic is over, there won’t be fancy late night dinners, trips to the theater, visits to the park, or any other special activities available. It can feel a bit disheartening, not being able to take your mother out on her special day.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun together.
For this year’s Mother’s Day, I’ve come up with some cool ideas to let you and your mother enjoy yourselves without having to leave the house. All you need is a little bit of creativity and some planning ahead to make this year’s Mother’s Day a memory to be treasured.
1) A Message From The Heart
A small handwritten letter or Mother’s Day card may not seem like much, but even that little time and effort can mean the world to your mother.
In this era of instant messaging, TikTok videos and Instagram stickers, nothing still feels quite as sincere as a handwritten note. There’s no need to crack open old poetry books or figure out how to put in flowery language – just be honest. Write down the things you love and appreciate about her, and she’ll surely be pleased.
2) Movie Time
When was the last time you had a proper movie night? Get out the fluffy pillows and snacks, because now’s the perfect time to watch your favourite movies together!
Even if you can’t go to the cinema, you can still download movies on your computer. Whether it’s a sappy old romance like The Sound of Music, a swashbuckling Pirates of the Carribean style adventure, or even a family friendly Disney classic like The Little Mermaid, there are countless movies available for you to enjoy.
3) Breakfast in Bed
The perfect way for your mother to start her day… if you can wake up early enough!
Even if you’re not used to cooking, it’s dead easy to prepare something like toast. But if you want to go the extra mile, there are plenty of easy DIY recipes available to wow your mum with your amazing culinary skills.
We’ve actually got some unique recipes that you can try out if you really want to impress her!
4) Cooking Together
Alternatively, you can both work together to create something delicious.
Whether you’re baking a cake, trying something trendy, or even just cooking a favourite comfort meal, there’s nothing more satisfying than cooking for the people you love. Best of all, you can share the results of your labor with the whole family – just don’t feel too bad if they say that your mum’s version is better.
5) Game Night
Fun for all the family!
When was the last time that you pulled that old Monopoly game out from the back of the closet? It doesn’t really matter what you’re playing, as long as everyone can enjoy themselves. So try not to get too intense or competitive – remember, we’re all just here to have a good time.
6) Have a Crafternoon
Spend a day making something new!
Whether it’s painting or pottery or even breaking out the color pencils for a DIY project, there’s something nice about working together to create a work of art. It doesn’t need to be anything big or complicated – heck, it doesn’t even have to look pretty. After all, who cares if it doesn’t look perfect as long as you’re both having fun.
7) Photoshoot
Remember all those horrible clothes you stuffed into the back of your closet cause they’d be too embarrassing to wear in public?
Well, now’s your chance to show them off. Organise a family photoshoot – get everyone dressed up and take some photos together in your wackiest, most hilarious outfits. You’re all sure to remember this moment for many years to come.
And heck, while you’re at it, why not take a chance to flip through some of your old photo albums and reminisce in the nostalgia together?
8) Enjoying the Outdoors
If your house has a garden (which I’m totally not jealous of), why not take the chance to enjoy some fresh air?
You can plant some new flowers, set up an outdoor picnic, or even organize a special BBQ dinner. Even if your garden is just a tiny patch of grass, there’s no reason why you can’t take an hour or two to enjoy the nice weather together.
9) Spring Cleaning
The simplest Mother’s Day option – but it’s a classic for a reason.
Give your mum a day off by taking over her household chores: cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. Even (especially) if you haven’t done it before, she’s sure to appreciate having a chance to take a break.
Show Your Mother How Much You Love Her

In the end, all of these options are just different ways to show your mother how much you love and appreciate her. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter what you choose to do; as long as it comes from the heart, your mother will surely enjoy it.
Even if you’re not living together with your mother, you can still connect with her. Even a simple call or letter could brighten up her entire day.
In fact, why leave it till Mother’s Day? During this MCO period, many people have been stuck at home, feeling lonely and isolated. So why not call your mum on a regular basis? It doesn’t have to be anything special – just keeping in touch and asking about how her day has been going can help to stave off boredom and make her happy.
Of course, it’s not just parents who are feeling stressed – many children have also been having issues due to their regular lifestyles and education being disrupted by COVID-19.
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