Gong Xi Fa Cai! We’re here to welcome another prosperous year ahead with the Year of the Tiger. And what’s Chinese New Year without beautifully designed “red envelopes”(among other things)?
With that said, let’s take a look at the many exciting new designs for this year’s angpow packets. Of course it obviously matters what’s inside the angpow, don’t even fight me on this, but what’s the harm in looking sharp on the outside as well?
Let’s take a look at some of this year’s designs that caught my eye, shall we?
Roaring Regal Angpow by Papeleria

If you want a more classic and minimalist look to your angpow, these ones will surely suit your tastes. Papeleria By Vive is an arts and crafts store that transforms the world of paper into beautiful and practical paper products. This year, in lieu of the Year of the Tiger, they have designed angpow packets with lucky colours and a cute line Tiger drawing on them!
Honestly, I think it’s dope. It’s something simple but at the same time, very much catches the eye. And peep that tiger tongue sticking out, isn’t that adorable? You can get these at Starling Mall when you shop at Papeleria! Hurry while stocks last!
Js Florist and Gift Angpow Packets

Before you say anything, let me just preface this by saying that I do a ton of online shopping. So much so that I barely buy anything physically anymore. So yes, there are some angpow packets on this list that are from online vendors. Which is a good thing, in my opinion, because hey, #SapotLokal, am I right?
This particular shop sells a ton of festive gifts from flowers to hampers for all occasions. This Year of the Tiger, they came up with, honestly, a radically cute design for their angpow.
If you’re giving out angpow to kids or even adults who are childlike, I’m sure this design would be a hit. Why, you ask? Let’s all collectively look at the tiger in the sunglasses, please, and you’ll get your answer.
Who wouldn’t be excited about getting that, tell me? You can purchase these ang pow on Lazada for RM1.70 for six pieces, while stocks last. Talk about a bargain!
Shell x Disney Tsum Tsum Angpow

Everyone knows what Shell is, right? If you don’t, they’re a gas station (among other things). Their angpow packet designs weren’t something I expected to like. After all, they’ve always been so… normal before. They were all so plain and simple. But this year, it’s surprisingly cute! The adorable mix of Disney characters and the theme of the Year of the Tiger they’re portraying really fits together. I’m a sucker for all things Disney so this one really hits.
The Tsum Tsum characters in tiger costumes are just too adorable to resist. You can get your hands on these angpow packets at any Shell station you stop at. I won’t guarantee that it won’t run out, because if it does, y’all would probably know who’s been visiting. (Hint: it’s me)
Angpow Packet Designs from Shopee

First of all, if you know me at all, you know that I’m a Shopee freak.
(This is also my open letter to Shopee to be their brand ambassador after how much I’ve spent on that site.)
So I couldn’t resist slipping this in while I was on the hunt to look for angpow packets for this year. You can purchase this angpow packet on Shopee for less than RM4 for 10 packets. Although it’s not free and you won’t get it from purchasing anything beforehand, it’s still a unique design.
But honestly, I’m all about this. I think it’ll be a lovely angpow to give to your elders.
You can put in a lot of cash in there and it folds up really nicely and closes up into a lion’s face with a tassel dangling under it. (Yes, I know it’s the Year of the Tiger, but it’s still cool!)
I don’t know about you, but it has a classic feel to it and it’s definitely going in my collection.
Dior Angpow Packet

Yeah, I don’t know if most of us regularly shop at Dior but I just wanted to put this in because it’s so pretty. Even the envelope that it came with was pretty! If you’re a sucker for packaging and absolutely have to get your hands on this, there’s a shop in Carousell that sells it for RM99.
Yeah I see you cringing at the price, but it is designer, keep that in mind, so it’s going to cost you quite a bit.
Or if you’d like to get it yourself, you could shop at any Dior outlet and get it for free with your purchase. I’m not being sarcastic about this because I’m legitimately contemplating on whether I should get it.
Do I celebrate CNY, no. But will I ignore pretty ang pow designs? Also no.
The details on the packets are insane, it looks like it was hand drawn. If I had some extra cash to spare, you best bet I’ll be in line for this ang pow packet.
OfisKita Angpow Packets

OfisKita is a company that sells office supplies. Their angpow design caught my eye because it was so… colourful. I wouldn’t normally reach for designs like these because I’m more of a neutral two-toned kind of gal, but after looking at it more thoroughly, it kind of grew on me. And I would go as far as to say that this is my favourite out of all the designs on this list.
The designs look like it’s not just for CNY. You can use it all year around for other festivities as well, like birthdays or weddings and such.
I’m all for money packets being reused, that way it’s much more eco-friendly. And that’s exactly what this company was going for when they designed it. You can get your hands on them by going to their website and spending a minimum of RM168 on a single receipt or just buying them for RM10.88 per pack!
Forefront Angpow Packets

Forefront is an advertising company that specialises in advertising and marketing premium products and services. Every year, they come up with new angpow packet designs based on the Chinese zodiac animal of that year.
I’ll just put that out there: Forefront’s angpow designs just never miss.
They keep coming up with improved and out-of-the-box designs that are just so sleek and I don’t know, they just always look expensive, you know? Like 2021’s Year of The Ox packet, did y’all manage to get your hands on those?
This year’s design is inspired by the Year of the Water Tiger, so if you look closely at the packets, you’ll see hidden tigers in the waves of the design. Unfortunately, they’re out of stock for the angpow packets this year but in the meantime, maybe you could ask some of your friends or relatives? Maybe they managed to snatch some up, who knows?
Wishing You A Prosperous New Year Ahead!
So, do you have a favourite on the list? Or you can’t decide, because they’re all pretty cool? Yeah, same here. These brands really stepped up their angpow design games this year, huh?
If you’re celebrating Chinese New Year this year, we at The Full Frontal wish you guys a happy and healthy one! Remember to keep to your SOPs if you’re out visiting anyone. You can never be too careful! Stay safe out there, everyone!
If you’re looking for some entertainment while you wait for your parents to finish catching up with your aunts and uncles, may we recommend this read (although it’s last year’s ads, it’s still very much enjoyable):
8 Entertaining Ads That Bring Out Your CNY Spirit!