Have you ever looked at your house one day and thought “Hmm, this place is missing something.” But what is it? Something eccentric, something to make people go “Yeah this is (your name’s) house, alright.”
Maybe you feel like you’d want to change up the scenery a little bit. You’ve been looking at these same four walls and decor for ages. You need a change of pace.
Let us help you out in kick starting your new house decor adventure.
1. Balloon Flowers

You’ve heard of this before, I’m sure. This is usually used as gifts, so if you already have this on hand, you can recycle it and reuse it as a centrepiece or hang it up in your room to make a makeshift night light. Won’t that look super cute? Like when you hang flowers on your walls as decoration but instead of just letting the flowers collect dust, you can protect their longevity by keeping them in the balloon so you can use them longer!
If you’re interested, there’s an instruction video that could help you out in making these gorgeous flower balloons.
Price breakdown:
Fake flowers: RM10
PVC balloons: RM0.28/each
2. Fish Bowl Gum Dispenser

If you have a pet fish and you’re tired of the way a normal square aquarium looks, or that maybe the aquarium is too much of an eyesore to look at, here’s an alternative option for you. You can purchase a gum ball machine off of Shopee and DIY your fish tank by following instructions on the Instructables website.
Please make sure to not put any huge fish in them, it’s going to die from lack of space. And make sure you follow the instructions very carefully. These are live animals you’re dealing with.
Price breakdown:
Gum ball machine: RM6.30
3. Speaker

Why’s a speaker on this list? I count this as a decor because it certainly looks like an art piece, but it’s also fully functional. If you’re someone who’s an avid music listener or someone who likes to host parties, having this in your house sure is a plus. It’s a huge speaker that looks like an airpod and it would not only do its job but it’s also a conversation starter.
You can purchase this speaker on Shopee for RM16.99!
4. DIY rope rug (that lights up!)

Here’s something interesting for you to try out; have you ever considered taking up crocheting? You might want to for this particular DIY masterpiece. Take a trip to your nearest craft store and get a bunch of spun wool. And while you’re at it, grab those fairy lights or LED lights too. Now all you need is to rope them together.
There’s a tutorial online that could help you out. Another alternative is to just get a rope and glue LED lights around it, weaving them together. But make sure to take cautious steps when dealing with the lights!
Price breakdown:
Spun wool: RM10-RM18
Lights: RM9
5. Shoe Holder Planter

Do you have any old hanging shoe holders that you’re not using? Since the rising cost of vegetables have been announced, what better way to save money than to plant your vegetables yourselves? If you live in a house that doesn’t have a garden or balcony that you can use, this can be a welcome option for you.
It’s cheaper and it’s pretty easy on the eyes (if you maintain it properly). You could even keep this behind your kitchen door for easy access!
Price breakdown:
Hanging shoe rack: RM15 – RM18
Plant seeds: RM3 – RM5
6. Bloody Bathroom Mat

If you’re a person with a sense of humour and always looking for ways to prank someone, this bath mat speaks for itself. It’s one of those things that you find at a joke shop but would also surprisingly be quite functional to have in your bathroom. You can place this mat in front of your sink or shower and whenever it gets wet, it turns red. It looks like you just came out of shark infested waters.
Although, just a warning, it would most probably scar a few people, so maybe hold back on this if there are old people in your house. But it’s all in good fun!
You can buy this on Shopee for under RM15.90!
7. Hand-nger

If you’re thinking about throwing away your old toys and dolls from when you were younger, don’t! You can reuse some of your old toys and their body parts to DIY your own hanger for clothes. Alternatively, you can also use smaller pieces of those toys for key holders to hold your house and car keys.
It’s a little strange, yes. But it’s cute as well in a unique way, isn’t it? It’ll certainly get people talking, at least. And it’s simple to make! All you need are the toy parts, a block of wood and glue!
Why Not Try Something Different?
So what were the ones that interested you the most? We kind of held ourselves back a bit from posting the really weird home decor in favour of the (mostly) cute ones. You can thank us later when your house becomes the talk of the neighbourhood for having so much character!
What’s important to note is that these decor aren’t just meant to look pretty, but they’re also to tell people about who you are as a person. The more eccentric, the better, in our opinion!
If you’d like to go for something more sophisticated and elegant, might we suggest giving this a read:
7 Raya Decor Ideas That Will Last Longer Than The Season Itself