Back at Again With the Online Learning
I left school a long time ago but oh, how I miss it! To me, things were so much easier then than they are now.
There are times when I catch myself daydreaming I was at school again and of the things I would get up to. How I would roam the halls in between classes with the excuse of going to the bathroom. How my friends and I would get into trouble for passing notes in class — oh those were the days!
Now though, schools are a tad bit different.
Since the MCO’s back on, amongst other things, online classes have also made a comeback.
To the students who are experiencing classes online for the second time in this pandemic, how are y’all doing? You’re all in my prayers in this trying time.
When the first MCO hit, the reintroduction to online classes were made throughout the whole country for schools who would offer them.
This is assuming you have a computer in the first place. According to a study done last year, 36.9% of students in Malaysia lack devices to access online lessons during MCO. How do they catch up with their classmates? How’s the government helping them in these trying times?
It feels like the effectiveness of online classes are only relevant if you can afford it in the first place.

Thoughts From a Former Teacher
I used to teach primary school kids. When we first started with online classes, I thought it would be easier to deal with because all you needed to do was turn on your camera, teach for a shorter period of time and you’re done. It’s supposed to be easy.
But is it? No.
From my experience teaching online, some students thrive in it. They interact more and are more vocal about certain things.
Sending in work may take some time, which is understandable, being that the parents of the kids are working and that if you’re under 10 years old, it’s a bit difficult for you to send in work by yourself since you’re not that technologically inclined yet.
I think its effectiveness all depends on what kind of student you are.
Online learning includes a vast amount of images and videos that teachers show on top of explaining the subject. If you’re a visual learner, it works in your favour because it is said to increase your retention power by 29 – 42%. But if you’re more a hands on learner, physical classes would work more for you.
I have cousins who are university students talking about how online classes aren’t as easy and effective as they had hoped.
Sure, online classes are more flexible than physical ones — you’re given the freedom to move at your own pace, but with that comes the question of is it too flexible?
The talk of plagiarism is also present. What’s easier than typing in a question and getting the answer presented to you in a millisecond rather than doing hours of research?
They also talked about how it was difficult to join in lessons when their internet connection is low or laggy. When they’re having live discussions, sometimes they are talked over because of how many students there are in the call.
Along with this comes the question of should schools and universities reopen? I personally don’t think so, unless the government has a foolproof plan on keeping everyone safe while they learn, we should always prioritise health over exposure any day.

So What’s The Verdict?
During MCO, the government grants university students who have education loans from the state to delay repayments such as PTPTN. They have also introduced Kelas@Rumah which is aired daily on the TV Okey channel.
But is that enough? What other assistance can the government provide for students who might not have access to television or the internet?
What the Government Can Do to Help.
The government could quicken the process of distributing tablets or laptops for students in need as well as offer affordable data plan packages to ensure that they are getting the best out of their online learning.
The government should provide training on how online learning works to public school teachers and students. There are lots of free platforms that teachers can use to help students keep up with the syllabus, such as Zoom, Google Classroom and Class Dojo.
What Parents Can Do to Help.
We get that parents are also working but teachers aren’t asking for parents to be beside their children throughout the classes. We just ask parents to keep an eye on their kids. Especially for kids who are in primary school.
Even though times are hard now, humans are very much adaptable creatures. We can learn to survive anything life throws at us.
We just have to remember to keep a positive mindset and move forwards.
Whatever the case is, whether we like it or not, online classes are here to stay until further notice. Maybe even after the MCO, online classes could still be a thing.
Hopefully in the future, after we’ve conquered the COVID virus and figure out a plan for schools to reopen, learning will commence as normal.
But till then, remember to stay at home and stay safe!