Happy Halloween, everyone! It’s that time of year again when we get our spooky skeletons out of the closet and put them on display. The one night a year where we can dress however we want without anyone saying anything about it. Let your creative freedom shine through in your costumes and your decor!
If you’re not out celebrating, here’s another option — a movie marathon! We’ve prepared a list of Malaysian-made movies and TV series for you to binge-watch with your family and friends. Whether you’re a hardcore horror fan or more of laid laid-back “just looking for a good time” kind of person, we got you covered, fam!
If You Want True Horror
For die-hard horror movie/TV show watchers, you’ve seen movies like The Conjuring and still walk out of the cinema with steady legs. With that in mind, might we offer you some really great semi-underrated movies for you to check out (if you haven’t already seen them)?
1. Roh
Plot summary: Two siblings and their mother who live in the middle of the woods are haunted by an unknown spirit that resides there. The only help they have might not be the one they need.
Verdict: I saw this on the “Must Watch” list on Netflix so I thought I’d check it out. I’m not going to lie, it was a little slow at first. But the suspense keeps building until we reach the shocking ending. The great thing about this movie is that they don’t really bank on cheap thrills and jump scares. And the cinematography is just *chef’s kiss*.
2. Highland Tower
Plot summary: A group of friends who work together went to film at an abandoned building that is rumoured to be haunted. While filming, they run into all sorts of anxiety-inducing problems regarding their equipment and even with each other.
Verdict: I’ve seen this movie multiple times. I’m not sure what exactly pulled me to this movie but it’s pretty scary. In some scenes, you actually believe that the actors are possessed for real. And the way it was filmed made it seem like we’re a part of the whole crew.
3. Ia Wujud
Plot summary: A group of friends decided to film at an abandoned destination that is considered to be haunted. The group believes that ghosts do not exist, so they challenge each other to a ‘spirit of the coin’ game in the abandoned park to prove it.
Verdict: This movie has a similar filming style to Highland Tower. It’s very “Rec”. The premise itself is interesting because we’ve all dared our friends to stay at haunted places before to see if we could call on actual ghosts there. These guys are just living our nightmares, which was nice to witness… at a distance.
If You Want Some Haha in Your Ahh
We’ve all heard of the Hantu Kak Limah movies that are actually funny but with an element of horror to them. Maybe these movies would interest you too? I won’t guarantee that they’re good movies though, but the least you could do is make a game out of them? Like maybe play “Movie Bingo”. Before the movie starts, you make guesses of the most ridiculous things that’s going to happen. Whoever reaches bingo first wins!
1. Keranda Tok Wan Terbang
Plot summary: A pair of brothers return to their village only to receive news that someone close to them has passed away. But when they arrived at their hometown, it was actually the village’s Shaman that passed and now her ghost haunts the town.
Verdict: Some parts of it were actually genuinely funny. I remember watching this movie a few years ago. It was a little ridiculous, but then again, aren’t all Malaysian horror-comedy films silly to begin with? The dialogues are funny in some parts and it’s not all bad jokes. It’s a good movie to watch when you’re just looking for something light and fun.
2. Hantu Bonceng
Plot summary: A drag racer picked up a girl on the side of the road and got into an accident, killing her when they got hit by a lorry. He’s now haunted by her ghost whenever he gets on his bike.
Verdict: It’s an old movie but watchable, nonetheless. The lines in this movie are slapstick at best. But it’s great if you’re into that kind of stuff. It’s not scary so much as… strange? It’s the kind of movie you watch with your friends and laugh at the sheer silliness of it.
3. The Hantus
Plot summary: A busload of people died after a bus driver made a sharp turn that landed them in a ditch in Karak Highway. A man on the bus, not knowing he’s dead, asked for help from a car that’s passing by, who turned out to be the driver of the infamous yellow Volkswagen that haunts the highway. He is then welcomed into the ghost gang as he embraces his new undead life.
Verdict: I’m going to be honest, this was a fun watch. The chapters that show each scene really bring the movie together and we get to see the characters and a glimpse into their lives. It’s basically a new take on ghost films and I really enjoyed it.
If You Want Scary People, Not Scary Ghosts
If you’ve had enough of ghost stories and want something else that can strike fear in your heart, that’s okay, we got your back! Here are some thrillers you can check out during your Halloween watchlist binge.
1. Jwanita
Plot summary: A film about a girl that developed a mental illness after being abused by her adopted parents who were black magic users. Her life just went downhill from there.
Verdict: The movie tugs on your heartstrings and almost makes you feel sorry for Jwanita until you see how far gone she is. It’s very suspenseful and it’s very sad when you see that even the love between two sisters just isn’t enough to defeat the darkness in one’s soul.
2. Jagat
Plot summary: Set in Malaysia in the early 1990s, the story follows a boy and his relationships with his abusive father, and the uncles he grew up with who are local gangsters. The boy faces pressure from his father to focus on school, but he is drawn to a life of crime.
Verdict: This was a great movie. It’s a deeper look at the life of working-class Indian Malaysians during the 90s and their struggles. Is it a thriller though? It’s more like a crime drama but it’s kind of a thriller to me because it keeps you holding your breath in some scenes and makes you sweat out of your eyes (if you know what I mean).
3. The Hotel
Plot summary: A completed series about a young girl that lives in a hotel with her mother. She’s seen to not be very stable and after the death of one of her mother’s associates, people are starting to question whether she’s the killer.
Verdict: I absolutely loved this show. It’s a little bit unconventional and original. The characters are all pretty good and the plot is interesting. It’s very different than the other dramas and TV shows that we’re used to. The show is 24 episodes long, though. But trust me, it’s worth the watch!
Have a Spook-tacular time!

There you go! You can thank us for the packed weekend you’re about to have later.
If you’re out on the streets trick-or-treating or having drinks with your friends, make sure you jaga your SOPs! And most importantly, have fun!
If you still don’t know what to do during Halloween, might we interest you in some events that are happening near you? Check out:
5 Spookiest Malaysian Theme Parks to Visit For Halloween 2021