“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
This quote of Mary Oliver’s makes you ponder at the uncertain future ahead. Surely, the pandemic has forced us to halt all of our travel plans and stare into our empty screens — optimistically wishing that one of these days we’ll be bombarded with the good news of COVID-19 being curbed.
Until then, instead of being disappointed about our cancelled plans, let’s look at it from a different perspective. Think about it, we now can sit down and make thorough plans by ranking them and listing down the pros and cons for the maximum experience of the trip. It’s not always about the “where” but rather it’s about the “why”.
So, ask yourself why would you indulge in these eco adventures that you’ve picked out? And, if you’re an adrenaline junkie like me, there’s no telling how much planning ahead will benefit you especially when it comes down to eco-adventures.Here are the five places for you to go on your own well-planned eco-adventure!
1. Kanching Eco Forest Park

Situated in the Kanching Forest reserve, which is a part of the Selangor state heritage park, this spot is famous among locals and tourists for a quick picnic getaway. This majestic park is hard to resist as it possesses seven tiers of majestic waterfalls that cascades from a total height of 120m.
The level two and three of the waterfall are usually flocked over as it is a nice space in between a power shower and just wallowing in the slow-moving water. One of the prominent aspects of this park is definitely the gorgeous gazebos.
Now you can do a little waltz with your other half in the gazebos just like all the romantic comedy movies we watched while growing up. Who knew dreams do come true!
The level four is where the concrete steps end and the trails become slightly more difficult. If you could muster a little bit of will power, you’ll realise that the view on top is worth every drop of sweat. The highest waterfall is level seven which is 208m in height.
Spectators who’ve made it up to levels six and seven voiced out that these are the most spectacular ones and shouldn’t be missed out at any cost. With calm and serene surroundings, Kanching Eco Forest Park is a rejuvenating spot for the troubled minds as well as a place for photography enthusiasts to visit.
Opening Hours: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Entrance Fee: RM1 with MyCard on weekdays, RM2 with MyCard on weekends and RM5 for non-citizens.
2. Skytrex Sungai Chongkak, Hulu Langat

Located in the cool and hilly area of Hulu Langat, Skytrex Sungai Chongkak first started its operations on July 1. Compared to other branches, this is longer and contains more elements of the flying fox. The uniqueness of the calm Sungai Chongkak amusement park never fails to awe visitors. It has even been declared the longest flying fox with a length of 110m.
There are three attractive packages available for visitors; River Thrill, Rapid Extreme and Double Dare. Each package has 25 different obstacles and it takes about an hour and a half to complete the entire obstacle course. The River Thrill is of intermediate level and is suitable for ages eight and above, whereas the Rapid Extreme is of advanced level as it requires climbing up the highest vertical ladder.
Not into ziplines? You can pack some delectable food and opt for a warm picnic while you wait for the daredevils to finish their tasks. There are also charming food stalls and fruit stands on both sides of the road if you need a quick bite!
Opening Hours: 9.00am to 3.30pm
Entrance Fee:
River Thrill -RM70
Rapid Extreme – RM80
Double Dare – RM125
*If you need a safe space to put your valuable items, you can rent a locker for RM13 for a small locker and RM15 for a big locker
3. White Water Rafting, Hulu Selangor

White water rafting is an activity that is suitable for all ages, anyone from age eight to 88 can participate in this rugged water activity. Surely, trying to stay dry as much as possible would be ambitious and wishful thinking when doing this activity but one can try.
Located in Kuala Kubu Bahru, this rafting activity is guided by a local professional rafting coach. A one hour drive from Kuala Lumpur is all it takes to reach this clear river.
This 8km extreme stream would be a liberating experience for challenge lovers. As white water rafting requires speed and agile padding for a smooth navigation, this would be that one awaiting experience for the adventurers.
If you’ve never gone on a rafting experience before, the rapids ranged from a class one to a class six. Class one rapids are the slow current and waves whereas the class six rapids will surely take you on the ride of your life. Regardless of how careful one might be, there are high chances of the tube overturning and in the event that it happens, it’s vital to keep yourself calm. Always make sure that your safety jackets are fastened and helmets are kept on.
Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Entrance Fee: RM199 to RM800, with a minimum booking of two people
4. 4×4 Adventure Teratak Riverview, Hulu Selangor

Head down to the Teratak Riverview if you are looking for an adventurous start and a quick escape from the concrete jungle. It’s an exhilarating experience to travel through the green forest roads, traditional village fruit plantations and mysterious looking swamps in a challenging 4×4 car ride.
The Teratak Riverview is a resort facing the Bernam River,the border between Perak and Selangor. With a minimalistic concept, the rooms consist of a double bed, an attached bathroom, a simple ceiling fan and a light bulb. Meals are provided buffet style to make sure that the participants have enough energy to complete all the activities and obstacles. This specific resort practices self-service thus, visitors are expected to wash their own plates and cups.
The activities available here are water tubing, flying fox, abseiling, paintball, jungle trekking, motivation camps and family day. Most locals come here for the thrilling experience of the flying fox. Flying fox participants are advised to not do it at night as the picturesque views aren’t visible in the dark surrounding. As the starting point and ending points are on the opposite ends of the rivers, you’ll be crossing the state borders in a blink of an eye.
Due to the strong river current, water tubing is amongst one of the activities that is hugely looked forward to by locals and tourists alike. Before the activity begins, a short briefing will be given by the instructors and you’ll be told to wear the suitable gears required for the water tubing. If you have imagined it to be smooth sailing then you are definitely in for a ride .With quite a number of huge boulders along the way, some participants had to sacrifice their glasses to this extreme activity.
Opening Hours: 9.00am to 9.00pm
Entrance Fee:
Flying Fox – RM28 per person
Abseiling – RM18 per person
Flying Fox and Abseiling – RM38 per person
Tubing – RM15 per person
Water Confident – RM15 Person
Tubing and Water Confident – RM25 per person
Jungle Trekking – RM12 per person
Nightwalk – RM12 per person
5. Paragliding (Jugra Hill, Kuala Langat, Batu Pahat Hill, Hulu Selangor)

Paragliding in Jugra Hill is gaining attention as the buildings,bridges and roads have an old world charm attached to it. The terrain makes it a perfect spot for people all around the world to do a quick visit.
The Tandem paragliding experience is designed for flying with up to 240kg of load. The flying site or the hilltop offers an exquisite panoramic view of the quaint town of Jugra below. Participating locals or tourists will be sat in a comfortable harness attached to the paragliders. Paragliders can either control it or simply opt to enjoy the view and take pretty pictures as an evidence of their once in a lifetime experience.
Bukit Jugra is not only well known for paragliding but also for its spectacular hiking spot. Coffee lovers can also seize the opportunity of visiting the many coffee shops located by the tiny fishing village near the river.
For a different experience, adrenaline junkies can also try out the paragliding activity from the peak of Bukit Pahat. The 410m height hill is also a fond spot for hikers. Make sure to check on the weather conditions in advance as it might be too dangerous for you to glide on if the wind is on the strong side.
Pro-tip: The best time to paraglide in Malaysia is from the month of March to September.
Opening Hours: Not specified, but you can check on their website for further enquiries
Entrance Fee: RM320 per person
Plan Now, Travel Later

With everything that is going on and the pandemic not being curbed, does that mean you should stop planning trips ahead? It has been proven that planning and anticipating a trip can almost be as enjoyable as going on the trip itself. To back this statement, an earlier study was published by the University of Surrey in 2002 that speaks on how people are the happiest when they have a trip planned ahead.
So how do you plan an adventure trip to make the most out of it?
1. Research your adventure travel destination
In doing a preliminary research of the destination you’d like to travel to, you’ll learn what needs to be packed and what safety precautions to take.
2.Don’t be shy to ask for help
Adventure packages and travel agents can help you find best deals, arrange complicated itineraries and juggle large groups.
3. Know your limitations
One of the most important aspects of trip planning is to be realistic about your own fitness level and not hurt yourself by trying to strain beyond what you can endure.
You have your guide now, what’s next? Pull out a journal and start mapping the swoon-worthy adventure sites around Selangor. There’s no need to travel out of the country when all the hidden gems are located just a stone’s throw away.
If along the way, you realise that you are not shaped for a thrilling escapade and you are more inclined to just unwind in a relaxing manner then, this article is for you.